
Thursday, October 23, 2008

blogging more

I guess I'm going to start blogging more. A lot of preachers are doing it, and I am a young guy so I guess I ought to make this a channel for some of my thoughts. I will try not to make my entries as long as the previous.

My previous post has resulted in some hostility and was misinterpreted on Facebook. I was offering it up as a suggestion to minister's and really all people to have a fuller view of God, not just enjoy the characteristics we like. I guess its a process of my own discovery of more of God. Today in my study I noticed a lot about God and his anger. I guess I was especially attuned to it today in light of my previous post.

It was beneficial to look at, a lot of scripture jumped out to me, i guess i leave my studies from today thinking i have a long ways to go in discovering our great God.

1 comment:

WALTER said...

Or maybe you aren't going to blog any more at all....