Every New Year is accompanied with new resolutions. We resolve to do better in the many aspects of our life. We say we will try to lose weight, spend less money, save more money, work out, run a mile every day, read more, stop smoking, stop drinking, or something as simple as watch less television, yet our New Year resolutions most often fail.
The same seems to happen with our spiritual life. Every New Year is joined with a desire to pray and study the Bible more. We try reading through the Bible in a year, get to Exodus and the enjoyable task turns toilsome. Much like the physical resolutions, the spiritual are hard to make habitual. If you are anything like me, failure always seems lurking around the corner. We try hard to change things that need changing, but most often we fail to reach our mark.
So what is your resolution this year? Is it to stop smoking? Or get out of debt? Every New Year is connected with a sense of new beginning, and hope that the year to come will bring more blessing then hardship, less pain and more joy. But the truth is, we don’t know what the year will actually bring. If we all came together and talked about the past year, we could find things we did well, along with things we could do better. What are you going to do to make this year different then the last? We all could use some help in the coming year. The beauty of a community of believers is you can find such help. It is hard doing anything on your own. God understands our frailty in this regard and finding strength in the faithful is what being a part of a community is about.
As a community of believers, we are beginning a new series on Wednesday nights that will prove extremely beneficial for those who attend. Andy Stanley is a respected communicator, who will bring us to a new level of understanding of what God has given us, and how we use it. If you are stretched to the max, and your wallet feels the same way, Stanley stands to provide helpful insights into the world of finances, time management, and most importantly, Godly living. If you don’t have time for this, you need to come.
Resolve this year, to commit to 8 Wednesday nights in the new year, beginning on January 9th. Spend 8 weeks with us, it’s the best possible way you could start the new year.
May God Bless you this New Year, and May we continue to grow in our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
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